Uncompleteness: A Sociopolitical History of Accra Through Uncompleted Buildings

For the Concrete Limbo exhibition, of Berlin, 2020 I made a visual presentation of my concept of uncompletedness

Uncompletedness is my concept-in-development that speaks to the socioeconomic and sociopolitical phenomena of building and buildings in Ghana

It looks as uncompleted buildings (and projects) not as aberration or undesired spots in the city, but as objects and ideas that can tell us about life and living in Ghana.


uncompletedness: concept

Not yet at desired completion

an in-between state of existence …. towards an imagined perfect finished state

from. uncompleted: adjective

that has not been finished. for example: an uncompleted building/project/investigation

source: Collins English Dictionary, 2020

unCompletedness Sociopolitical (Hi)stories of Ghana through unfinished Architecture Projects Kuukuwa O Manful


unCartography in Ghana, Gender + Landed Property in Nigeria


Christian Kwabena Andrews and The Ghana Union Movement